“We all go a little mad sometimes”

You may or may not know that I am a big fan of Bates Motel. I’ve been a fan since day 1 and it’s been one of my favorite shows since ‘Dexter’ ended.

Everything has to end, right? Well as of this month, the Series Finale, Season 5 begun. While this is very bittersweet for me, you have to appreciate that fact that they are not dragging the series out.

What I believe is bad is when someone takes an amazing show and stretch it out to death. There’s sometimes something special in telling a story and it not last MANY YEARS. I feel that the writers and creators of this Series are absolutely brilliant. They knew going in that the arc of Norman Bates would take just 5 seasons. They didn’t want to tell his backstory and make it go on and on. They had such a strong character development to tell the story of those surrounding White Pine Bay and the Bates Motel.

The last 4 seasons you got to know all the main characters and the reoccurring ones. It let you into the minds of Norman AND Norma. You also grew bonds with everyone else. Even though you knew the ending of Norman Bates and what got him in trouble, you desperately did not want to see Norma die.

Speaking of Norma, Vera is a phenomenal actress. She gave Norma believable desperation and provided the role of momma bear to a T. She also was incredibly insecure and scared. You also go to watch her downward spiral in wanting some normalcy and happiness. I won’t lie, I did cry a lot during the last two episodes of Season 4.

And here we are, season 5. We hone in to the relationship between Norman and ‘mother’. We get to watch him go mad, and its clear from the first episode, Norman has lost it beyond repair. Then again, we know that there will never be a repair. However, just for the first episode laying out the ground work to what appears to be a very emotional and intense finale, I am excited.

I trust that there will be tears this season for me too. Yeah, I’m emotional. The love that I have for this show is pretty large and there will be a massive piece missing from my life Monday night’s when it is over.

Thankfully I can binge like no tomorrow for ever and ever and ever.

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